Great Lakes/WISC Spring Cou

Peter Fraterdeus (
Sun, 22 Mar 1992 02:52:15 -0800 (PST)

Subject: Time:1:12 AM
OFFICE MEMO Great Lakes/WISC Spring Council Date:3/22/92
Howdy folks!
Let this serve as your invitation to the GreatLakes/Upper Mississippi
bioregional Spring Council, to take place April 18-19 (Seedcamp on the 17th)

North of LaFarge, Wisconsin. This is about 30 miles east of the Miss. River,
and La Crosse, WI. Two or three mile N of LaFarge on SR 131, look for RB
banners on the W side of road, going down toward the Kickapoo River.

Hope to see folks from all over Great Lakes, Iowa, Missouri, Minn. etc!

Look forward to the Wisconsin/Mississippi Rainbow Gathering, May 30-June7th.
Site TBA.

This event is free and open to all peaceful beings. We gather in the Temple of
Nature to celebrate our Common Humanity. The First Amendment is the legal
protector of our Inalienable Right to Assemble and Celebrate the Gifts of
Freedom in the manner of Our own Choosing...

Come in Peace. Do No Damage. Leave nothing but our well dug compost!

Bring Bulk Food. Waterproof gear (April Showers!) Warm clothes and sleeping
stuff. Water Containers. Tarps, Good Nylon Rope. Cooking Gear. Light and Love.
Your Hopes and Dreams.

Please don't Bring (by long time Rainbow experience) Dogs, pets, Alchohol or
any other dangerous drugs!!!

We Love You! Happy Spring! (It's snowed 6 inches today in northern Chicago!)


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