Re: Annther ZEUS Consensus
20 Jul 1992 19:35:46

Haloo from New Mexico (shouted the now Q Western Elm)!
I have been in Albuqurque for a month and a half now, and failed to
reaCh the gathering through having faith in a friend who is less
trustworthy than I need him to be. I am wr* working out the
bitterness slowly (he has flaked on me constantly since I've been here--
he is my only previous acqaintance here). Anyhow, it sounds
like it was an interesting gathering. One person said it was much less
intense than Vermiont, which jives with what you wrote. I'm still
upset that I missed it. BUT this past weekend I got to drum at an event
with the Society for Creative Anachronism (I've been a member for about
2 years now), and coupled with a surprise meeting of two friends from
my Northern New Yop* York home, I got the surprise birthday gift of my
first doumbek! YIPEE! So I had a great birthday.
I am working five jpo* jobs out here in the hopes of he* getting
access to a delerter* delete key, or make money for Vassar tuiton rather,
and tryting to stay sane sleep eat play violin etc. all at once.
My poetry is in the tubed* tubes more or less, but green power
for a degree id* is my priority now. I just buy myself ice cream once
in a whil;e to make life bearable...
I hope you keep in touch, yuou great big friendly computer net
coordinator you! Peace and eternal life and of course love!

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