Re: where is next july's gathering?

Peter Fraterdeus (
Thu, 27 Aug 1992 13:49:42 -0700 (PDT)

Hi, Sue!

Next year's gathering will be in the SouthEastern US, state boundary not yet

By the Way, I've been trying to come up with a good contact number to
tell the folks at HighTimes!

THere's a couple...
Try Thomas from Peace Park @ (202)462-0757; or POB 5604, Takoma Park, MD,
20913; or Allan's Rainbow Hotline @ (202)797-3625; or the Colorado Tribe
at Rainbow, 1704-14th St., Suite 359, Boulder, CO 80302, ph. 303/838-4577

Thomas is primarily a legaliasion contct, but the other two are OK
The Hotline is a recorded message.

Also, people shoiuld write for a Rainbow Guide (Send a couple of bucks to help
cover postage and printing) and then look for the number of a focalizer
in their area.

Rainbow Guide
PO Box 3213
Madison, WI 53704

That's usually what I tell them (also, I look up a focalizer for somebody
ifd they're polite!)

All the Best!
Love and Light!
Play for Peace!


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