Re: Re: hi all! (vision coun.)

Stephen R. Johgart (
Mon, 03 Aug 1992 18:16:00 -0700 (PDT)

Both Kentucky and Tennessee have a lot to recommend them, and "they're ready"
isn't really important, in that both places have active family close enough to
make it work--Om Valley Circle is right on the Kentucky border, we in Michigan
are only 6 hours away (and Swooping Heron has already expressed an interest in
helping organize a Kentucky Gathering), Chicago circle likewise is only half a
day away, and Katuah is close, also. Katuah is even closer to Tennessee, and
since the South Dakota branch of this summer's family reached a decision for
Tennessee, a Tennessee Gathering would reunite the family, which is kinda a nice
idea. Just some thoughts; I'm sure we'll hear a lot more.

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